Our school has two main branches of student government, the Student Council (middle school) and the Student Congress (upper elementary). Any student in 3rd-8th grade can run for student government but are all required to write and present a speech in front of their peers. They are then voted in by other students. The student governments help organize for the other student clubs and plan fundraisers to pay for student activities and donations to other organizations. The Student Council will hold a Dress Down Pass fundraiser every quarter and has collected donations for Maui Relief, the Earthquake in Tonga, and the houseless on the Waianae Coast. The Student Congress is in charge of the School Calendar competition and fundraiser. They select artwork submitted by students across all grade levels to create an annual calendar.

Our focus in training the leaders of tomorrow is to have them demonstrate what it means to be servant leaders. Servant leaders follow a philosophy that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations, and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. With this in mind, our student government not only focuses on what they can do to improve our school but also improve our surrounding community. Injunction with the Rotary Interact club, they regularly volunteer in the community.

©2024 Our Savior Lutheran School
98-1098 Moanalua Rd, ‘Aiea, Hawai‘i 96701
Email: office@osls-hawaii.org
Tel: 808 488-0000 | Fax: 808 488-4515