
Room 201 Supply List

Preschool Room 201
Supply List

Preschool Room 201’s – Supply List

  1. Change of clothes (2 sets) – 2 shirts, 2 pants, 2 underwear, 1 pair socks
  2. Lightweight Jacket (with zipper & hood)  to be left in cubby for the week
  3. Rubber slippers
  4. Masks (children’s size 1 box 25 count disposable) to keep in cubby in case

  they start coughing, sneezing, or have a runny nose.

  1. Painting smock (plastic or cloth)
  2. Thin sleeping bag (beach towel size), thin blanket (beach towel size), or

   beach towel for those taking naps.  (Travel size pillow and small stuff   

  animal are acceptable – Please no noise making stuff animals and no  

  large size blankets or pillows)  Everything must fit in the cubby without 

  sticking out.   

  1. Composition book – Primary Journal

           (It has a dotted middle line, with blue line on the top, and red line on the     

           bottom.  The top half of the page is blank.)

  1. 2 boxes Ziploc bags – 1 gallon & 1 quart size
  2. Paper Towel (3 rolls)
  3. Facial Tissue Kleenex type (3 boxes)
  4. 1 large canister of hand sanitizing Wet Ones (40 or 48 count)
  5. 2 pkgs baby wipes
  6. 1 large canister of Clorox wipes or 2-35 count canisters
  7. Art supplies – 1 box of 24 crayons, 1 box of 12 colored pencils, 1 box of

    markers, 1 glue 4 oz., scissors, 6 pencils, & pencil case to fit art supplies. 

  1.   Large bag or back pack for taking home blankets & jackets at the end of

    the week.  Large reusable folding bags can be left in school.  

PLEASE LABEL ALL THE ITEMS ABOVE  (except for Kleenex, paper towel, Ziploc bags, Wet ones, baby wipes, & Clorox wipes) WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME, USING A PERMANENT MARKER

At the end of the week your child will take home blankets, 

jackets, and smock to be washed and returned on Monday.

(Effective 07-2023)

Erik Kuster

Published by
Erik Kuster